Thursday, August 21, 2008

Online Money Making Opportunity and Scam

No one can separate between online money making opportunity and scam. Both of them have existed together since humans started using the internet as a commercial medium. If you think of making money online, you think about programs designed to take your cash and leave you with junk products and impractical methods.

To avoid getting yourself involved in any fraudulent business scheme, you can use these tips to fortify against anyone who's trying to take your money away.

1. Never join programs with a claim that can make you rich overnight.

It is impossible for anyone to make you rich overnight except if you inherit rich man assets or getting a jackpot. The fact is, you need to work hard and smart to be rich online.

2. Search for others comments .

If possible, use Google to search what people think on the program you are going to sign up to.

If most are happy with it, there's little to worry about.

3. Look up the program owners' past.

It is possible for you to search for what the program owners have done in the past. Just use any search engines you like and look up for his name.

4. Never pay anything upfront.

If the program requires you to pay upfront, I suggest you to NOT use that program. It is highly probably it is a scam and you don't want to be part of that devilish scheme.

If you ever encounter any scam programs, let me know and show your stories and you can stop others from doing the same mistake as you did.

Keith is an affiliate marketer specializes in providing the best programs to newcomers in internet marketing scene. He regularly updates his blog with program updates, tricks and tips on how to earn a living online at Scam Free Way.

Don't Try To Sell On The Web, You Have To Know How To Market

There are jillions of desperate salesmen, and saleswomen, on the web trying to sell a product, with very little or no success. Dont even try to sell! You have to market your product. You have to understand the basic principals of marketing. People dont want to be sold. You have to get into their head and make them want to buy.

Think of your last half dozen large purchases. How many of those things that you bought did you really need? You probably saw a few of them on TV. Then first time you saw the commercial you were interested and may have thought That would be nice to have, but you didnt really consider buying it. By the seventh time you saw the commercial you decided that you just couldnt live without it. The marketing people planted an idea in your head, then reinforced it, and reinforced it until you just couldnt resist it any longer.

Im not saying that they did anything wrong. Thats what drives our modern economy. If we would be honest with ourselves, we would admit that we could live in much smaller houses, drive much smaller cars, dont need that boat, fancy dress or ring that we just bought.

A basic rule to remember is that most people buy emotionally, then justify the purchase logically.

H. Dave Luther
Henry D. Luther has been in the in the inventing, patenting, and marketing business for 50 years. Some of his inventions have been on the market for 40 years. He had computers before the P.C. was invented.He is a private pilot, sails in both freshwater and saltwater, and has homes in both Ohio and Texas.

Since he retired 10 years ago one of his hobbies is writing. His latest book is How to invent, patent, and market You can learn more about this book at

Contextual Advertising-A Better Way To Advertise?

If you run a business you must advertise. It doesnt matter what size business you have, you must advertise to let others know what you are selling. Advertising is what gets people to your website or to your door. This is the only way you can make money with your business.

As a matter of fact, advertising is so important, that companies allocate a huge amount of their budget toward advertising and marketing. They may use many ways to get their product to the eyes and ears of the consumer such as text ads in magazines and newspapers or large ad space in newspapers.

One avenue they may take advantage of is online advertising. When companies go online to sell their products, they find not only do they boost their sales, but they can also advertise in most places for little or no cost to them. This helps them in two ways: it gets the product into the hands of the consumer and the company profits more because of less overhead.

There are many ways to advertise online. Companies may use pop-ups or banners. They may use software that extracts email addresses from websites or rent lists to promote their products. These are all methods that have been used in the past, but there is a newer method that is being used today. This method is known as contextual advertising. Contextual advertising is a technologically based method that allows advertisers to send real-time targeted messages to consumers.

This is not a method where users click on some kind of banner or text link. Instead it is a better method because it has been proven to work. Contextual advertising works by using the users online habits and behavior to know what the person is looking for. This way only the ads the user wants to look at is seen.

Search engines are doing it now. Websites are picking up the idea and going with it. They know this type of advertising works. The next time you go to Google and type in a keyword, see what ads come up with the search results.

Advertisers realize this is the best way to reach their customers because they are targeting only the ones who are interested in their product or service. They show only the ads that interest their customers. Advertisers even target certain URLs based on what their customers click on while browsing websites. They keep these keystrokes recorded so they know what their customers are doing and looking for. This results in more interest, which in turn creates more sales.

An example of contextual advertising is Googles AdSense program. Another one is Content Match by Yahoo! Search Marketing. Another company that uses contextual advertising is Miva (formerly known as FindWhat).

Contextual advertising is out there and is being used. The companies using it have proved they can make money online using this system. You can too.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.

Make A Website in minutes with HighPowerSites or Build A Website with BuildAGreatSite.

Start your own ebook business and Resell Ebooks with BooksWealth.

Want to Earn More Than 95% of Internet Marketers? Here Are Some Rules to Live By

Some people think the reason that 95% (or whatever the percentage is now) of businesses fail is because of 'market forces'. While they do play a role (otherwise we'd have more sellers than buyers), I think it's fair to say business people are often responsible for their own failings.

They just don't want to admit it!

Let's get down to the point: Do you want to be in the 5% that sees success? Or do you want to join the 95% that fail? In this case, it is the 'minority thinking' that works. Following what the 'majority' thinks often leads to failure and a place in the 95% club.

Here are three major '5%' rules to live by:

Rule #1: Concentrate On What Really Matters

Whenever you get into a little argument, incident or even if someone tries to insult you, forget it. Don't get involved. Ask yourself, 'Is It Really Important?' If the answer is no, move on. You are bigger than the small incident that probably won't matter one iota to your business profits.

Rule #2: Feed Your Burning Desire To Kill Procrastination And Other Ills

I know of many successful entrepreneurs who have succeeded because they had a point to prove or wanted to prove someone wrong. It's not wrong to have these 'vengeful' feelings. In fact, these feelings are often the fuel of radical success. These feelings push you to take massive action, if you use them in a positive way. Be in it to make money, but be in it to have a point to prove too.

Rule #3: Don't Be Afraid To Sell

If you want to make money, you have got to sell something. Employees sell their skills to prospective employers. They sell their likeability and skills even after they get the job, with the aim to get a promotion. If you want to make more money in business, concentrate on selling. Business cards, the fancy corporate website, the office...all that doesn't matter in the beginning. Your goal is to grab sales to create a positive cash flow in your business.

My question now is: are you ready to join the 5%? Then it might be time to think about joining the 'minority'. Think about it.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now before it's gone!

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