Monday, August 18, 2008
Tips to Make Legit Money Online
Are there ways to make legit money online? The simple answer is 'YES'. While most people are still looking for these elusive online jobs, there are people that have found a great way to earn a living from home.
The following will make your search of that perfect online job both successful and rewarding:
My 5 tips to make legit money online:
5. Do some research. Do they have testimonials on their page? Are there success stories? If they can;t back up any of their claims, you should avoid them.
4. Don't be disappointed. I see people all day complaining about all the scams and guess what? They're the ones that give up and don't succeed. Look at everything as a learning experience and you'll continue to grow.
3. Sign up for a trial Most people are scared to spend a few bucks and look at it as 'wasted money'. Most products you purchase subscribe to, have a 'money back guarantee' or a 'free evaluation period'. This is a great way to get in and see if it's what you want.
2. Find Something you enjoy. If you don't find something you enjoy to pursue online then you likely aren't cut-out to work online.
1. Commit and follow thru! Most people sign up for free courses and don't want to spend any money. The simple truth is that nothing in life is free. Spend a few bucks on a program as the money will make you more committed to follow thru.
I know I looked for legit online employment for quite a while before I found something that works. I'm sure with enough drive and perseverance; you too can be your own boss!
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Do Attorneys Gain More Clients As A Result Of Full Moon Erratic Behavior
Does a full moon grant attorneys more clients? Erratic behavior can certainly land people into trouble. Is behavior affected by a full moon?
The word "lunatic," derived from Latin, is defined as someone who has been made crazy by the moon. Describing someone as being "moonstruck" indicates the suggestion of markedly different behavior during the changes of the moon. Is the notion that bad things happen during a full moon just urban legend or old wives' tale fodder? Research shows evidence to the contrary.
Is there more crime during a full moon? The American Institute of Biomedical Climatology released a report to the Philadelphia Police Department regarding their findings on this subject. This report, The Effect of the Full Moon on Human Behavior, indicates that coinciding with a full moon is a monthly peak in various psychotically oriented crimes such as murder, arson, dangerous driving, and kleptomania.
Dr. Arnold L. Lieber and Dr. Carolyn B. Sherin of the University of Miami recorded data regarding homicide statistics in Dade County, Florida over a period of 15 years. For the entire period, 1,887 homicides rose and fell correlating to the phases of the moon. American Journal of Psychiatry 129 (1972), 69-74. They also examined over 2,000 homicides over a 13-year period in Cleveland, Ohio, with similar statistical results.
Lieber explained that the body is a microism compromising essentially the same elements and in similar proportions as the earth's surface, 70% - 80% water and 20% - 30% minerals. Scientific studies have shown the pull of the moon affects the tide and changes in the earth's surface. Thus, it is pure folly to think the moon doesn't affect the "tides" of our bodies.
Interestingly enough, crime isn't the only thing affected by the moon's cycle. Dr. Edson J. Andrews reported in the Journal of the Florida Medical Association that, in a study of 1,000 tonsillectomies, 82% of postoperative bleeding crises occurred around a full moon than other moon changes. This was actually despite scheduling fewer surgeries around that the time of full moons. (Journal of the Florida Medical Association.) Does this produce more medical malpractice claims as a result of surgery timing?
I have noticed that there are more divorce clients particularly after Christmas. They have mentioned just wanting to keep the holiday happy for their children before a painful separation occurred. Now I'm wondering if the combination of stress of holidays and potentially erratic behavior during a full moon is what dooms some marriages.
Law firms can thank the effects of a full moon for more clientele. If one doesn't want to get in the predicament of needing legal counsel, be particularly cautious around the time of full moons. By the way, a full moon occurs for the next three months on November 5 and December 5, 2006, then January 3, 2007. We all may want to plan accordingly.
Are you fascinated by trials? Do you like helping people? A career as a Paralegal is challenging, rewarding, and NEVER boring. Sign up for free newsletters that show you how to step into this exciting career. Adventures await you....
Laura McDonald is a paralegal, employed by Michael L. Hawkins & Associates, P.L.L.C. She is a member of NFPA (National Federation of Paralegal Associations). She is experienced in the areas of personal injury, civil litigation, family, environmental and corporate law, estate planning and bankruptcy.
America's First Private Investigator Firm
Allan Pinkerton, born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1819, is considered the father of private investigation in the United States. In 1846, he began his career in law enforcement as a sheriff's deputy in Kane County, Illinois. By around 1850, he opened up shop and started his own private detective firm in Chicago.
Pinkerton was very prominent in his industry in 19th century America. It is believed that Pinkerton discovered a plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln while traveling to his inauguration in Washington, D.C. At the advice of Pinkerton, President Lincoln made changes to his travel plans thereby avoiding a possible assassination attempt.
By around 1866, the railroad industry got wind of his private investigator business and hired him to help thwart train robberies run by gangs which included members of Jesse James' notorious outlaws. From the beginning, Pinkerton's firm did not jibe well with members of Jesse James outlaw gang. Several of Pinkerton's employees were murdered in their attempts to apprehend members of the James gang. In March, 1874, John Younger, a member of the James gang, was killed in a shootout with Pinkerton's operatives in St. Clair County, Missouri.
By the early 20th century, train robbery gangs were defunct due to Pinkerton's efforts to suppress them. It is believed that several innocent men were imprisoned in this gang suppression. In fact, this is from where the term "railroaded" evolved in which an innocent individual is sent to prison for a crime he did not commit.
Today, the Pinkerton's agency is now merged with Burns Security, a publicly held company listed in the Swiss stock exchange and a member of the Securitas family.
Fabiola Castillo is an online marketer for the website NinjaCOPS SuperStore. This virtual store specializes in crime prevention and spy tools where you can buy cheap stun guns, kubaton keychains, hidden video spy surveillance cameras, nunchaku training videos, civilian Tasers, expandable steel batons, and many other products.
3 Internet Business Opportunities You Can Start
The popularization of the internet and the availability of a cheap internet connection has led to a surge in internet business opportunities. Indeed, it is not surprising to find that many companies such as Google, Yahoo and Amazon all began as internet-based companies during the boom of the late 1990s. Despite the subsequent crashing of the bubble, the relative cheapness of starting an internet business as well as its exposure to the global market makes this sort of business organization very popular amongst entrepreneurs today. Internet business opportunities are abound and it is really up to you to decide what sort of business you would like to start. Some tips would be offered here, however, such ideas are by no means exhaustive.
The key to starting any business and in particular is to start a business based on your interest. This could be one of the things you enjoy doing most, or perhaps, a hobby. This would ensure greater satisfaction as you are searching for opportunities and running your own internet business.
Love the search engine? Praised by your friends countless times for being able to find any article under the sun in Google or Yahoo? Then why not consider making a business out of it. Truth is internet researchers are in demand by companies who rely on accurate information to go about their daily business. Such companies include those that are in the business of compiling databases that often rely on accurate information for their compilation. These companies would often be willing to pay good money in exchange for the agreed information. With a broad global market at your fingertips, the opportunities of building a business revolving around internet research is potentially endless.
Or perhaps you are one cool dude with a vast social network, having thousands of friends on Facebook. Then perhaps you might want to consider making an internet business out of affiliate marketing. Given your broad social network, all you would require for this business is a computer with internet connection. Virtually no other costs, qualifications or experience are necessary. How affiliate marketing works is that you get paid commissions for referring customers to purchase products over the internet through means of a link that you client provides you. Commissions vary from $1 to a very handsome $1000 for products of high value. The amount that you earn would depend on the number of customers that purchase the product as a result of your recommendation. In any case, the sky's the limit and if you enjoy interacting with people and recommending products for use, then this might be the right internet business opportunity for you.
Another possible way of building a business on the internet would be through the use of blogs. Everyday millions of blogs are created resulting in it becoming one of the most widely used information mediums today. If you have very specialized interests, or if you proficient in a particular niche, you might want to consider setting up a specialized blog with quality rich content revolving around that particular niche. The trick here is content and you would really have to put in effort to ensure that content is of a high quality and that there is a sufficiently large target market for your particular niche. Subsequently invest in a search engine marketing company to put your blog high up on the search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Monetize your blog by entering into advertising agreements with company's whose products cater to your particular niche. In this way, you would be able to earn passive income from the "hits and click" when visitors access your blog.
In summary, internet business opportunities are aplenty today. Whatever listed above is by no means exhaustive. The possibilities are endless and it is really up to you to create your dream internet business.
Jimmy James is an expert providing valuable internet marketing advice at He has been teaching thousands worldwide how to start an online business and earn a good income. Click Here to get your FREE 5 Steps To Guaranteed Success Report.
5 Simple Must-Have Marketing Techniques in Your Arsenal to Successfully Promote Your Product Online
What could be an effective way to promote your product online? This may be a question most cyber business persons are asking. When we talk about the word "effective", we cannot specifically point to just one method because one method may not work for you but might work for others. Therefore, it is important that you have, at least, evaluated all possible ways to promote a product before deciding which technique to use.
If you are selling a new product or a service (or any product or service for that matter) and you badly need exposure, there could be no other better way but to consider pay-per-click advertising. This technique will definitely give the promotion your product needs.
Pay-per-click is an online advertising technique wherein bidding of keywords is involved. You will choose which search engine where you want your advertisement to be. Of course, some amount of money is required as a starting balance. Then, you will be required to provide important information like your URL, title of your product and description and then a tender for your keywords. After signing up, all these information will appear as a link in one of the search strings each time anyone searches for the keywords you supplied. When someone clicks on your listing, your account will automatically be charged with the amount you bid for a particular keyword. The good thing about this is you only pay for each visitor that is surely interested in buying your product.
Signing up with Ezine could also be a good product promotion tool. Ezine is short for Electronic Magazine. This is a potential spot to promote your product as many Ezines build a large group of members and readers who could be your prospective buyers. There are three ways you can do your promotion using this technique. One is to create a product article, which could serve like a product review. Another way is to create a testimonial on anothers article. Usually, ezines choose and post the best testimonial from a subscriber. If you make a good testimonial, you could be featured and you will now get your chance to promote your product. Also, you can create a newsletter, which you can send to your existing subscribers.
You can also create a blogsite to promote your product. Create a blog and then collect as many readers as you can. Do this by visiting different other blogs and write testimonials. This way, the owner of the blog will notice you and might get interested with your product. There will be a big chance that he will link with you. If this blog is popular and have thousands of readers, tendency is, the readers of that blog will also become your readers. Just make sure that you create a very impressive blog design and think of a blog name that will sure catch your target markets interest.
There are still many other ways to promote products online like joining affiliate programs, including your URL and description of that site to all your outgoing email, join forums and strategize how to incorporate your promotion, get your product listed on free directory advertising and many others.
These are just some of the many ways. Find the best one that will truly help you and make sure that you understand the pros and cons of each before deciding which tool to use.
Egidijus Andreika is a creator of Click2Sell.EU - affiliate marketing network. Click2Sell offers money making opportunity with online affiliate program network. Merchants - sell your products and develop online business. Affiliates - work at home and earn money online. Visit: Click2Sell Affiliate Network -
Four Free Advertising Resources For Small Business
One of the most difficult aspects of operating a small business is attempting to decrease your customer acquisition costs to improve profits and in many cases high acquisition costs are what prevent the business from being profitable at all. Most small businesses do not keep track of acquisition statistics so they are unsure of how much it costs for them to acquire each new customer. Without knowing this statistic, it is impossible to truly measure the effectiveness of your advertising and marketing.
One of the ways to help reduce acquisition costs is to use free advertising resources to increase your customer base. With these resources the primary cost is time, which for advertising is a relatively low price. Here are a few resources that small businesses should be taking advantage of to grow their customer base as it will definitely give you a competitive edge over your competition:
Craigslist - is an online classified website that is free to post listings. Craigslists is one of the top 10 visited websites in the United States and can drive a tremendous amount of traffic to your business. Craigslist has a services section where local businesses can list the products and services that they offer for potential customers. Craigslist is organized by local geographies, therefore you have the potential to drive very local customers to your business. Total time to post an ad on Craigslist is probably about five minutes and will be less once you get the hang of it.
Google Base - Google Base is a free online classified that benefits from the large amounts of traffic generated by A simple listing on Google Base can help to drive traffic to your website and although Google claims that it does not make a difference, it is a good bet that the more activity you have on the web properties, the better you will rank in their primary search engine.
Press Releases - The days of needing to be a professional writer to submit a press release are long gone. Now anyone that has knowledge of a product or service should submit press releases to media outlets and can be done easily with free resources. A couple of the sites that I recommend are and, but there are many others. These services submit your articles to the Associated Press which in many cases will be a distribution of 40,000 subscribers. If only a fraction of the subscribers pick up your article, you benefit. It first establishes you as an authority on the subject matter, but it also generates links back to your website which will increase your search engine rankings. The benefits of these free services can be massive in reducing your customer acquisition costs.
Merchant Circle - is an online business directory that is focused on offering small business websites to promote their business. The main benefit of their service in my opinion is that their pages rank highly in the search engines, therefore, increase the ranking of your website in your local geographic ares. To set up you page only takes about ten minutes.
These are just a few examples of free resources that your business should be using. Think out of the box and do a little research to find out other free resources that will benefit your business. With only one new customer, this form of advertising pays for itself.
This article was written by Brian May of Small Business Local. Small Business Local focuses on business advertising in Columbus Ohio and business marketing in Columbus Ohio.