Thursday, August 21, 2008
Online Money Making Opportunity and Scam
No one can separate between online money making opportunity and scam. Both of them have existed together since humans started using the internet as a commercial medium. If you think of making money online, you think about programs designed to take your cash and leave you with junk products and impractical methods.
To avoid getting yourself involved in any fraudulent business scheme, you can use these tips to fortify against anyone who's trying to take your money away.
1. Never join programs with a claim that can make you rich overnight.
It is impossible for anyone to make you rich overnight except if you inherit rich man assets or getting a jackpot. The fact is, you need to work hard and smart to be rich online.
2. Search for others comments .
If possible, use Google to search what people think on the program you are going to sign up to.
If most are happy with it, there's little to worry about.
3. Look up the program owners' past.
It is possible for you to search for what the program owners have done in the past. Just use any search engines you like and look up for his name.
4. Never pay anything upfront.
If the program requires you to pay upfront, I suggest you to NOT use that program. It is highly probably it is a scam and you don't want to be part of that devilish scheme.
If you ever encounter any scam programs, let me know and show your stories and you can stop others from doing the same mistake as you did.
Keith is an affiliate marketer specializes in providing the best programs to newcomers in internet marketing scene. He regularly updates his blog with program updates, tricks and tips on how to earn a living online at Scam Free Way.