Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Get the Best in Movie Downloads
There are many sites out there that claim quality downloads, but this by far is the best. Let me tell you a little about it.
. Instant access after signing up
. thousands of movies and music on the list to choose from
. No time limits
. once downloaded start sharing with friends
. Easy to navigate through the site
Find the best in the old time movies, such as Meet Me In St.Louis, or maybe something from today. You can even download television show's right from your computer. With the technology today anything is possible. I know, how hard it is, when you find that singer or groups album that you have to have, but then take it home and you only like one or two songs on it. Trust me, I have been there many times. However with this site, you have access to thousands of songs, videos and movies all for your enjoyment.
Now that hopefully I have your attention. I have a challenge for you. I challenge you to go to the website I have listed below and follow the link. When you are finished, feel free to leave me a comment or a blog which ever you would prefer, to tell me what you thought of the site. Now the rest is totally up to you. Do you take the challenge or not. All I can say is, that you wont find a better deal anywhere else than here. I look forward to hear fronm you.
I am a stay at home mom with two children, and now I'm happy to say, I work from home and get to spend the quality time with my children.
Thank You,Mandy
Online Business - Managing Your Life When You Work From Home (Part 3 of 10)
How often have you said: I wish I had my own business. Then I could take a day off whenever I wanted. Now you can do it! Chances are, youll be working more days with your own business than you would when you were employed by someone else. If you dont take the weekends off from your business, make sure you take at least one day a week for no work and all play. Then, on top of that, schedule one day per month for a mini vacation.
For one day, do no work whatsoever and spend all day with your family. That means no computer (unless youre helping your kids with homework or playing games), no business phone, no fax, no meetings, and no paperwork for one entire day. Have fun! I do.
Learn how to compromise
If you learn how to successfully make deals with your family and clients, you'll see how simple it is to balance your time between both. Running a home business and a family can be tricky, and that frustration does no one any good. Itll cost you clients and create a frosty atmosphere in the house.
If a client, for example, gives you a week to complete a project, and contacts you two days before the deadline saying she needs it right away, don't let your frustration show. Offer her what youve got and tell her youll send the rest later. She should be able to meet you halfway. The same is true of your family.
Tim Yuzaki is the owner of http://www.Online2Biz.com providing information on Creating Your Own Business Online. To get Free Internet Marketing Guide" & "49 Ways To Find A Profitable Niche Market Instantly!" course, go to http://www.Online2Biz.com
Advertising on the Internet - the Fastest, Most Responsive Way I Know
Still pulling your hair out trying to "make it online?
It's not your fault you know. The problem is the huge influx of poor spam messages which promise you the secrets to success.
There is only one rule to help people get more success. Advertise more!
There are many ways to do this, some will work if you stumble across them and some will not.
Some are free and some are paid, your job, if you don't fail, is to find the good ones.
This is no mean feat.
Free Traffic ideas that work:
Write 2-3 articles every day and submit them to article directories.
Then as you find new methods be sure to ingrain into yourself that you MUST advertise for a pre-set amount of time, every day, without fail - it is VITAL - search engines love fresh content so this is a great way to get ahead!
Advertising is the main ingredient in success, yet the majority of people do not stick with it. I remember a quote which said "Go at it like your head is being held underwater and you desperately need to surface for air". I know this sounds harsh, but you have to get this amount of DRIVE inside of you.
Make it happen and you will see success!
There are various categories of place which I feel give good results. What you really need is a place where you KNOW that your ad is going to be seen by as many people as you can get it seen by. preferably also in the shortest amount of time available.
This enables you to test out various configurations of header, paragraph etc until you hit on a winning combination.
One of the best Get Paid To Click websites has to be http://www.meyie.com They run an in-profit plan which means that advertisers are charged enough to cover ALL ACTUAL FEE''S and thus guaranteeing you get paid for your efforts. If you are looking for an honest PTC, choose http://www.meyie.com Meyie is also a fantastic place for you to advertise your business, blog, website or other, and you will get targeted, interested people looking at your website every day for a very low cost fee.
Find Dropshippers That Charge No Membership Fees and Accept Paypal
A good drop shipper is one that charges no membership fees, and also accepts Paypal for safe and convenent payment.
Why should I use Paypal dropshippers?
Well, use PayPal a lot to sell my dropshipped items. When customers pay me into my paypal account, I like to instantly switch this money into my dropshippers account so they can send the item out on the same day. I don't like the hassle of transfering the paypal money on my credit card.
Why should I use FREE dropshippers?
To be honest, the free ones are the best ones. The free ones know their products will sell, so they make money from you selling the products. The dropshippers that have dodgy products that won't sell, charge a membership fee so they know they're going to make money!
Where can I find these dropshippers???
There is a lot of free drop shippers out their that are great, people tend to keep them secret though, if everyone started to it they would have too much competition. Often people sell dropshippers list, with website and contact details to good, legitimate and free dropshippers.
I actually emailed a small chinese retailer, that didn't actually dropship. In fact they had never even heard of drop shipping, and I asked them whether I could dropship their products. I built a firm business relationship with this company, and sold many of their products. I think I'm the only dropshipper they have, they have still not introduced a dropshipping service. It pays sometimes to ask retailers that have cheap products, if they will dropship.
How much money can I make dropshipping?
Depends how much work you want to put in marketing the products. Ebay's a good start to sell the items. I was making around $100 a week selling PSP's alone on eBay. That is my most successful product, and it had the most competition. I was very careful with my marketing strategies, featuring my auctions and choosing very good keywords. I think you should aim to sell both niche and mass market products, see which one works best for you. Don't put your prices to high, aim to make an extra 10% on each product you sell. I think dropshipping can be a great EXTRA income, like it was for me, but can easily become a full time income.
Good Luck...
Joe Davies, blogger of: FreePayPalDropshippers.blogspot.com
Building Website Credibility With Your Online Business
When a company is trustworthy and credible, people are more likely to buy from them. In general, people prefer to use items that have proven to be reputable. What are the methods for developing trustworthy websites for your particular enterprise? The solution is to be consistent.
Consistency is only valid if every aspect remains consistent. If you are providing a guarantee period for your goods, The paragraph would not come up. Also try and provide goods that have a standard quality and price.
In order to reassure there are many ways to go about this. Software companies sometimes give consumers a free trial of a product before they purchase it. This way the customer can see that the product will perform as promised.
Another way of gaining credibility can be by sharing your knowledge. You can do it simply by tracking the forums and listings your clients often go to. Please make sure you answer the posted questions. This way you will be able to gain the trust of the customers.
If you know how to create a blog, you can use one to also share your knowledge for free.
Make sure that you do not make exaggerated claims about your goods online. Write things only that are true and the things which the customers will find believable. The best way to go is to always tell the truth. Consider the ways in which you will use a product, investigate each manufacturers' offerings and compare the prices differentials before investing in a new item and make it a part of your publicity strategy
Practice posting good content to really grasp what is blogging, and you can excel at proving your authority.
Testimonials are also a great way to increase your credibility. Manufacturers depend on customers for some types of advertising called "Testimonials" where the buyer cheerfully outlines the advantages of the particular service or product and recommends purchase of said item. One must always keep in mind that providing value for money does indeed lend to credibility. You need to solve a problem that your customer has.
Lots of folks overuse banners which offer insufficient details about the merchandise in question. The most effective way to fight this error is to provide exceptional content.
Elementary Marketing is an informational website with tips on blog marketing and other ways to make money online.
Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing: The Good The Bad And The Ugly
The Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing are many.
A few Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing are:
* It's on the internet so it's low cost
* Very fast
* And you can reach a global audience
However it:
* Can leave the businessman feeling isolated
* Hard to tell if people are lying because you can't see their face
* And you can be overloaded with information.
There are more Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing, but I wont cover them all in one article. However I will focus on a few important ones.
Low cost:
The internet is made up of electrons, so there is not really anything physically to grab hold of like in a brick and mortar business. This considerably reduces your costs as you don't really need many materials or buildings. Just a computer with world wide web capabilities : )
Very fast:
A great advertisement I saw once said "If you were an electron, you would be there by now". This was an ad at an airport. It's referring to the internet. It's made up of electrons so it's VERY fast. Click a link, and you could be looking at an Australian website, click another one and you could be in America. If you wanted to get information any other way from these countries, you may end up having to go there.The world wide web eliminates the need for this. Go any where you want with the click of a button.
You can reach a global audience:
By this I mean, you don't have to set up shop somewhere and sell to the locals. You can set up an online shop, and sell to anyone in the world. This means a huge increase in potential revenues and a fraction of the cost it would take for you to set up shops all over the world.
Can leave the businessman feeling isolated:
This is very common. Because the world wide web is faceless (In most cases), it can appear cold and inhuman. This can leave you feeling isolated and very inward. Not a nice feeling at all. Everyone likes to socialize and meet people, but in this case, its quite difficult to, in business anyway.
Hard to tell if people are lying:
There is so much information on the world wide web now, it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between crap and quality. A lot of the crap is targeted at newbies. Here's an example "Make money fast by doing NOTHING", sound familiar? I bet you've had a ton of emails saying something similar.
Information Overload:
Once again we get to the part of there being a lot of information on the world wide web. There can be too much good information too. There can be a lot of competition for an industry, this can leave you more confused than if there were presented with loads of crap. You might not be able to tell who to chose. If you are a veteran of the net, you wont have much to worry about, however if you're a newbie then this is a problem.
The above are the positive and the negatives. Overall, I would definitely say that if you can do business online, then definitely do it.
Stephen Warren is the creator of http://www.makeagreatsite.comLearn how to make a great site and turn it into a money making machine in no time.This article is free to republish as long as it is republished in full and the link back to MakeAGreatSite.com is clickable