Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Take Advantage of the Direct Sales Opportunity Online With Web 2.0
Free advertising...two words that should get the attention of every internet marketer alive. Think of what your ROI would be if the advertising was free. If you use Web 2.0 correctly, your ROI will go through the roof. It's free. All it costs is the time to put it together. The implementation is a little time consuming as there may be a bit of a learning curve, but once its in place you can usually maintain your Web 2.0 presence quite easily. It's a direct sales opportunity online that is waiting for you to take advantage of.
So what is Web 2.0? It's the latest generation of websites and applications that allow users to participate on the web like never before. Web 2.0 sites aren't static like more traditional older sites. They are, by there very nature, social. And they're viral. You can easily link one to the other and soon you're networking with a huge number of people.
Squidoo, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr, BUMPzee and HubPages (and that's just a few) are all Web 2.0 sites, including blogs. They're all social, information driven websites. Become a part of these communities, supply them with useful information, interact with them in a positive way, and before you know it you'll have created instant word of mouth advertising about you and your business.
Web 2.0 is a direct sales opportunity online that you must take advantage of. Today's consumers are expecting a more information- driven interactive internet experience. By engaging them in this social environment, you give the consumer a voice, and they give you a better understanding of their wants and needs. You'll establish an open line of communication with your customers unlike any other on the Web. By fulfilling their needs, you gain trust and you gain customers.
Check out the possibilities. There is an amazing direct sales opportunity online with Web 2.0 advertising. It's just one more advantage you'll have over the competition if you ad it to your advertising and marketing arsenal. And it's free.
For more information on another direct sales opportunity online visit or call John Bettencourt direct at 541-956-0903.
John Bettencourt is a former major market radio personality, record label executive and. more recently, a real estate developer who decided he'd had enough of bumper to bumper commutes. 70 hour work weeks, and the corporate rat race. John is now the owner of BigFish Online Marketing, a very successful home based internet marketing business. You can find BigFish Online Marketing at