Saturday, July 5, 2008

Guitar Lessons - Which to Choose?

With all the excitement generated by thinking about signing up for guitar lessons it is easy to become bedazzled with the array of guitar lessons advertised online and in the real world. You might feel that you just want to sign up for your guitar lessons, go to sleep and wake up being able to play the guitar. Well, it is not quite as easy as that. Having to decide which guitar lessons suit your needs best takes a little contemplation. Take a good look at what is available to you in the realm of guitar lessons.

First, there is one-on-one lessons. You have a guitar player sitting in front of you trying to find some way to help you become a guitar player. This guitar teacher will charge you by the hour or the term, and give you some material to learn, and maybe some sharing of personal experience mixed with an effort to pass on some of the wisdom he has gained over his years playing music. This guitar teacher is engaged in teaching to put money in his pocket. He wants to teach the largest number of students that he can handle with the least trouble.

This kind of guitar teacher used to be the only kind you could get, but now that guitar lessons can be packaged and transmitted over the internet, things are different. With online lessons you have some guy who knows something about the guitar who wants to get rich by marketing guitar lessons. He has a few thousand bucks at his disposal so he can put together some guitar lessons on video, back it up with some printed tabs and sheet music and sell it on the internet. Your online guitar lesson guy can afford to charge you much less than your local guitar teacher because he is not constrained by the number of students he can fit into his schedule - he can get thousands of people with guitar websites or blogs to sell his lessons for him.

Not only can you get a high quality set of guitar lesson videos but you will get some kind of feedback system where you can ask questions or make suggestions to your teacher and get a reply back by email or video. On top of that when you are browsing online guitar lesson packages, you will be seeing guitar teachers picked from anywhere in the world for their enthusiasm and ability, not for their location.

Okay, now that I have inadvertently given away my prejudice towards online guitar lessons, let us talk about specialization. You can get acoustic guitar lessons which will lean more towards acoustic guitar stuff like strumming patterns, open tunings and muting. Electric guitar lessons teach all that stuff too but with different emphasis plus lessons on note bending, sliding and fret board tapping.

After looking at the variety of guitar lesson choices available to the novice guitarist I hope that I have not left you more confused than ever. My final suggestion is when in doubt about which is the best guitar lesson package just jump in and go for whichever appeals to you and remember that you get a money back guarantee.

Ricky Sharples has been playing guitar his whole life, and is presently engaged in building a blog called Learn How To Play A Guitar For Free. Ricky's blog features free tools, lessons and resources for guitarists of all ages and stages. Ricky updates the blog regularly so if you are interested in learning to play guitar there will be an enormous variety of tip, tools and tutorials for you.

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